Dear Valued Customer,
Please see below notice received from ONE in regards to Biosecurity Incursion
We wish to remind importers of the importance of returning empty ONE containers back to the depot in a clean condition after devanning. Please pay close attention to the cleaning and removal of possible biosecurity contaminants. This includes soil, plant, animal, and insect residues from the container.
Please be advised that after an increase of biosecurity incursions being found, New Zealand depots are now being particularly cautious with Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) inspections of returned imported containers.
As MPI Transitional Facilities, the depots are required to ensure they identify and dispose of biosecurity risk substances covered under MPI’s Import Health Standards, in order to maintain their accreditation.
The cost of disposal and recording of biosecurity incursions is not insignificant, and Ocean Network Express will not be able to absorb these costs. The charge is $150 +GST per container when a biosecurity incursion is detected by the depot.
We recommend you forward this message to all involved in the unpacking and cleaning of containers within your organisation.
Ocean Network Express New Zealand Limited
Keeping You Informed!
BRi Customer Solutions Team
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