Extra measures being taken in order to reduced risk concerning Brown Marmorated Stink Bug



Update from Wallenius Wilhelmsen Ocean about extra measures being taken in order to reduced risk concerning Brown Marmorated Stink Bug

As you are aware, the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB)i is an agricultural pest that feeds on, and can severely damage, fruit and vegetable crops. Between 1 September 2018 and 30 April 2019, import restrictions are in place and heightened surveillance activities are implemented to monitor vessels arriving in Australia from the United States, Japan and certain European countries. As BMSB hibernate in and are carried via transported goods, shipments on board our vessels from the stipulated countries must undergo mandatory treatment offshore prior to loading. Ensuring compliance is the responsibility of the importer, whilst the presentation of clean cargo at the port of load is, at all times, the responsibility of the shipper.

BMSB found on vessels

Wallenius Wilhelmsen Ocean works closely with the Australian Authorities and takes its responsibilities to ensure that this pest is not carried to Australia extremely seriously. As has been previously advised, MV Titus, Voyage CO836, was due to arrive at its first Australian port on 5th November. During routine inspections on board dead and live bugs were found. These findings were reported to the Australian Government - Department of Agriculture and Water Resources (DAWR). WW Ocean subsequently worked closely with the DAWR to identify the type of bug, which were confirmed as BMSB. In order to enter port and discharge cargo DAWR ordered fogging of the cargo and vessel combined with further inspections until they were satisfied no more live bugs were on board.
Detailed inspections on the following two vessels, Manon and Elektra, en route to Australia again found live bugs on board. In order to minimise delay, or repeated rounds of further treatment at anchorage WW Ocean took the immediate action to fog both these vessels as early as possible prior to arrival in Australian waters.

Fogging of all vessels to be implemented

Fogging of vessels involves misting a of a chemical such as RUDCHEM PY FOG via a hand-held spraying device in an around all cargo on board. The chemical is an irritant to the pests, such that any live or hibernating bugs will become active. Once active, they will search for water and food and when none is found, will die after a period of time.
It is clear that despite DAWR regulations and clean cargo requirements, that contaminated cargo is being presented for shipment, placing risk on all stakeholders.
Since the events on Titus, WW Ocean continues to support and work with the DAWR

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BR International 

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